Our Work
We are pushing for more reliable and sustainable transportation options for Marylanders.
What We’ve Achieved
Secured $167 million per year in state funding for Metro.
Passed legislation to help local jurisdictions to fund bike and pedestrians projects.
Enacted Vision Zero—a goal of no traffic deaths or serious injuries on Maryland’s roadways by 2030.
Authorized Maryland to participate in a regional compact to tackle climate emissions from the transportation sector.
Increased the penalty for drivers who hit a pedestrian with their car.
Repealed the statutory requirement for MTA to increase its fare prices every two years based on inflation.
Provided free public transit rides to state employees.
Expanded the state tax credit for residents who buy an electric vehicle.
Required new buses purchased by the state to be zero-emission vehicles and created a grant program for schools to purchase zero-emission school buses.
Required the replanting of trees along the Purple Line.
Met with key transportation officials and stakeholders.
Organized and participated in walk to school and bike to school events across the state.