End of Session Update
(Letter from Co-Chairs Senator Malcolm Augustine and Delegate Lorig Charkoudian)
Congratulations on another successful Session and thank you for all of your work to improve transit in Maryland. The past four months were incredibly productive, policy was passed and great work was done. We had correspondence with the Maryland Transit Administrator with regard to the Statewide Transit Plan; we held briefings with leaders of our transit systems to discuss federal funding and improvements to local and statewide transit; and we passed historic legislation, such as the bill to support the Baltimore City Red Line and our own Transit Caucus priorities. Beyond that, we also saw nine of the bills we endorsed pass both chambers and be sent to the Governor, one of which has already been enacted. Below is an accounting of all of the legislation supported by the Transit Caucus this Session.
This is a time to be proud of our accomplishments, but there is still much work to be done. Over the interim we will be in touch regarding additional meetings and programs and we look forward to continuing our efforts to build a more equitable and sustainable transit system, together.
Priority Bills
This Session we prioritized the following bills, with a focus on improving the rail system and
ensuring pedestrian and bicyclist safety in our state.
Equitable and Inclusive Transit-Oriented Development Enhancement Act (SB516/HB710) - Passed the Senate
Maryland Regional Rail Transformation Act (SB514/HB778) - Enacted On a bipartisan
basis over a vetoSafe Access for All (SAFE) Roads Act of 2022 (HB656/SB880) - Passed the House
Vision Zero Implementation Act of 2022 (HB254/SB874) - Sent to the Governor
Zero-Emission Bus Transition Act Revisions (HB10/SB61) - Sent to the Governor
Vehicle Laws - Dedicated Bus Lanes - Prohibition and Monitoring Systems (HB53) - Sent to the Governor
State Highways – Designated Shoulder Areas – Establishment and Use by Transit Buses (HB64) - Did not progress
Baltimore City – Complete Streets and Safe Routes to School Programs – Funding (HB73) - Sent to the Governor
Railroad Companies - Condemnation Authority - Application (HB120) - Did not progress
Vehicle Laws – Intersections – Prohibited Acts (HB137/SB87) - Did not progress
Equity in Transportation Sector - Guidelines and Analyses (HB141/SB23) - Sent to the Governor
Vehicle Laws - Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles - Reserved Parking Spaces (HB157/SB146) - Sent to the Governor
Criminal Law - Assault of a Public Transportation Service Provider - Penalties (SB208) - Did not progress
Vehicle Laws - School Bus Safety - Occupant Capacity (HB283) - Passed the House
Transportation of Disabled Persons - Transportation Network Companies - Employee
Requirements (HB726/SB625) - Passed the SenatePrimary and Secondary Schools – Bus Driver Wages – Study (HB753/SB421) - Sent to the Governor
Transportation - Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Service - County Funding
(HB1019/SB838) - Sent to the GovernorVehicle Laws - Bicycles, Play Vehicles, and Unicycles - Riding on Sidewalks (HB1153) - Did not progress
Maryland Rail Investment Act (HB1324) - Did not progress