State lawmakers dedicated to advancing reliable and sustainable transportation options

We are lawmakers dedicated to advancing reliable and sustainable transportation options for Marylanders, including but not limited to interconnected public transit, a transition to clean vehicles, and to non-car mobility options and infrastructure to support these options as safe modes of transit. We believe ensuring that every Marylander has access to a variety of safe and reliable mobility options is a critical element of achieving an equitable, prosperous, and healthy state.

We work toward a more connected state by engaging in the following activities:

  1. Briefings about state and local transportation issues: We work with the standing committees to learn more about the transportation agencies and transportation system in Maryland, including its funding and maintenance; ask for briefings from Department heads; and, work with and hear from local governments and advocacy organizations on concerns and ideas.

  2. Legislative agenda and policy proposals: We advance and support legislation to highlight and advance topics related to increasing reliable, safe, equitable, and efficient mobility options in Maryland.

  3. Collaboration: We collaborate with local governments, advocacy organizations, and anyone interested in highlighting the need for advancing more sustainable, equitable, and reliable transportation options around the state of Maryland.

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The Maryland Transit Caucus has robust membership in the General Assembly.

Our Work

Learn more about the issues that the Maryland Transit Caucus is working on.


See the schedule of upcoming Transit Caucus meetings.