Statement on the Consolidated Transportation Plan

As leaders of the bipartisan and bicameral Maryland Transit Caucus, we are extremely disappointed in the dramatic cuts made in the updated final draft Consolidated Transportation Plan (CTP) released by the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). In cutting nearly $1 billion from transit, bicycle, and pedestrian investments, MDOT is disproportionately harming those who can least afford any alternatives. These cuts are also shortsighted, making it more difficult for our state to fight climate change and meet our carbon reduction targets. Our state CTP should be a reflection of our values and our goals for the future, and this falls short. We call on MDOT and the Moore Miller Administration to honor their commitments and engage in a serious conversation with communities across the state in raising the necessary resources to move Maryland’s infrastructure into the 21st century.


New Leadership Team


2023 End of Session Wrap Up